Archer Complex/County Water Service Area Level II Study
Cheyenne/Laramie County, Wyoming
Cost: $490 k
Professional Service Dates: 2007 -2008
Client: Wyoming Water Development Commission
The 2006 Wyoming Legislature appropriated funds to the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) for a Level II Water Supply Master Plan Study sponsored by the Laramie County Commissioners. WWDC selected AVI Professional Corporation (AVI) to develop the Master Plan. The Level II study addresses water supply options for the Archer Special Use District (ASUD) (Volume I) and the framework water transmission system to serve projected development in the East Cheyenne area (Volume II).
As part of a preliminary Master Plan for the Archer Complex, AVI completed roadway and drainage plans to a 10% conceptual level. These conceptual plans led to the recent completion of Archer Ranch Road, which AVI designed for a private developer. AVI and sub consultants completed the Level II Master Plan for providing water to the Archer Complex. The study included both domestic and fire flow demand calculations along with development of alternatives for a standalone system using onsite groundwater wells versus connection to the BOPU system. Costs estimates were prepared for all alternatives considered. The project included the drilling of several groundwater test wells and all associated geohydrologic and hydraulic testing.
AVI also evaluated the feasibility of developing a water supply locations east of the existing BOPU service area.